Praise your way out.

Most of believers praise God because He has done something new, or we either praise Him when He has answered our prayers. No one is dare to praise God in the midst of trials and tribulations. While going through pain we murmur and complain, we doubt the presence of God and His power to take us out! However, God is raising the new breed of believers, those who will praise him in chains! Those who will praise Him beaten. In the darkest hour everyone will tell you "God help those who help themselves" they will tell you "God for us all every man for himself". It is in the midnight hour where people become selfish, bitter and arrogant! However, when we are trapped in prison we only need to praise God until prison walls transfer the praise to other prisoners and the warders! With praise we provoke God in His Throne so that He can shake His foot stool and step in for us to be freed, chains to be broken and for our wounds to be washed.

[ And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. ]

( Acts 16:25 )

Series: Praise!
