From slavery to childhood.

There is nothing that is miserable than being a slave! A slave can work for many years for his master but no benefit they receive except food and water so that they many gain energy to do more work for the master. Seeing that we had to do things that we didn't like to do, even more we knew how good looks like, we knew what freedom looks like. What we desired was to be set free from chains of slavery. As God heard the Israelites in slavery and oppression when they cried. He also heard us and sent His Son to purchase us out of prison to freedom. Hence, Now we are God's own Children, and nothing can alter our birth right! It is irreversible, irrevocable, once we accept the offer He gave on the Cross we are made the heirs and Heaven becomes our Heritage! We become co-heirs with Jesus Christ. Whatever is of God is ours! 

[ Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir. ] 

(Galatians 4:7) 

Series: Being a Child! 
