That one should die for all. 

Series: Something Better

The riot and chaos that was happening in the land would have cost the lives of every creature! Hence, the High Priest decided that one should die for all. Just like in our land today, chaos, roits and rumors of wars and cries are everywhere, the only comfort we share is our tears. Death was our part and parcel, our destiny was eternal death, that is a total separation from God. Nevertheless, when Jesus Christ came all our sorrows and misery where placed upon Him. So that one man should die for all instead of everyone to die. However, the physical death is inevitable because of one man who sinned, but spiritual death is optional because of one mans obedience that gave us an offer to have eternal life. That is something better we can have! 

[ Caiaphas was the one who had told the other Jewish leaders, “It’s better that one man should die for the people.” ] 

(John 18:14) 
