Now I will Praise the Lord. 

Praising God comes after many tries and strives, sometimes we want to be seen to be loved by people, we end up sacrificing and laying down our lives for people who don't regard or give thanks to our efforts. Now it is time to praise the Lord, because it is difficult for a person to praise the Lord while things are still going their way! It is a norm that we praise God when things are tough, however, praise is inner joy that is expressed outwardly. Leah tried to lure Jacob by child bearing that she will be loved. Just like us people we are so addicted to attention, to be loved and cherished. Yet no one can fulfill our need for love and attention than what Jesus Christ has done for us. What He has done deserves our praise! For the name Judah means praise, meaning Jesus Christ is the King of Praise. Whether we go through darkness or high waters we praise! Whether flowers are blooming and life is good we praise! For you'll stop seeking attention once you realize that Jesus Christ Loved you! 

[ ...She named him Judah, for she said, “Now I will praise the lord!” And then she stopped having children. ] 

(Genesis 29:35b) 

Series: Praise!
