Monday Message

 Wait for the better.

Series: Something Better! 

Something better means something valuable, sophisticated and prominent. They had to stay and wait in Jerusalem for many days, waiting for something better that was promised after the accession of Jesus Christ. God will never make you wait for the worst, God's delay ain't His denial. You may wait for many years but when God gives you something you waited for, you even forget the sorrow of your waiting. The Israelites thought the circumcision, Law and religion was something better, even the Apostles thought walking and being with Jesus Christ in the flesh was something superior, little did they know that Heaven wanted to dwell in us not around us! The intention of God was to come and make His home in our hearts, filling us with something better, sophisticated and prominent, filling us with the Holy Spirit! 

[ And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. ] 

(Acts 2:4) 
